Our chia seed oil is an infused chia seed oil is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which support healthy growth and aid in maintaining strong exoskeletons for hermit crab. Omega- 3 and other nutrients in chia oil may promote smooth and successful molting, an essential part of hermit crab health. Chia seed oil contains healthy fats that can provide a natural energy source, helping to keep hermit crabs active and engaged. Adding small amounts of chia oil to their diet can aid in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, like vitamin A, which supports their vision and overall healthy chia oil is rich in antioxidants, which can help protect hermit crabs from oxidative stress, potentially reducing inflammation and supporting longevity.
All oils used are organic cold pressed high quality oils.
Our oils are loaded with chia seed to help maintain infusion.
Store are at room temperature. Expires in 1 year after purchase.
Our chia seed oils come in 2 ounces bottles.
Store at room temperature.